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The BCBA job alike is an opportunity for district based behavior analysts to come together to share information, trouble shoot difficult cases and situations and review current research in the field of behavior analysis. SEEM Collaborative will be hosting the job alike in-person at our admin office. All members of the group will be responsible for leading at least one of the monthly meetings, which entails creating an agenda and providing the group with a current research article, assessment tool for discussion or behavior analytic presentation, all of which must meet the BACB requirements for a CE event. Each meeting will provide the attendants with 1 CE for 50 minutes of professional development, as well as the opportunity to discuss current district challenges/cases following the PD presentation. Cost includes up to 8 CEs toward BCBA recertification. More
Starts Starts: 9/26/2024 12:30 PM
Sessions Sessions: 8
Location Location:
Status Status: 10 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 30 seats
This monthly meeting will bring together curriculum/instructional coaches from across districts to discuss problems of practice, trouble shoot current challenges, and share ideas and resources. More
Starts Starts: 10/7/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 8
Location Location:
Status Status: 16 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 25 seats
This two-hour training utilizes the 10 steps for enhancing trauma informed practices in schools outlined by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) framework to help school staff increase their knowledge and build their capacity for working with children who have experienced trauma. Through these 10 steps, participants will increase their understanding of what trauma is (through a developmental and educational lens) and learn strategies to implement their understanding in a practical and evidence-based manner. This training further emphasizes the role of healthy relationships as a protective factor through discussion of navigating boundaries and understanding risks of secondary traumatic stress and vicarious traumatization for staff working with children who have experienced trauma. This training is designed to be applicable for both clinical and non-clinical school-based staff. More
Starts Starts: 11/5/2024 9:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Location Location:
Status Status: 29 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 40 seats
SEEM Collaborative will be hosting a job alike for team chairs, ETLs, liaisons, and similar. A job alike is an opportunity for individuals who have similar roles across buildings and districts to come together to share ideas and troubleshoot common challenges. More
Starts Starts: 10/4/2024 1:00 PM
Sessions Sessions: 9
Location Location:
Status Status: 8 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 25 seats
The SEEM Collaborative has been approved by the MA DESE to provide full and administrator SEI Endorsement Courses for cost. This is an ESE approved route to SEI Endorsement for all educators who have ELs and their supervisors.
The SEI Administrator Endorsement course is designed to promote continuous improvement in educator practice and to build administrators’ confidence and familiarity with procedures and strategies for supporting teachers in developing research-proven practices for working with ELs. Throughout the course, effective methods of examining data, observing teaching practice, and providing support to teachers will be explored.

Assignments are designed to engage administrators in conducting research within their school buildings. Assignments include careful analysis of school, district, and state data pertaining to English Language Learners, as well as data collection on the classroom practice of SEI teachers. Administrators will learn about the elements to look for in teachers’ lesson plans, as well as the SEI strategies to look for during classroom observations. Throughout, administrators will be asked to reflect upon the implications of the course material and their findings on their responsibilities as school leaders.
Participants will receive 22.5 PDPs for successful completion of the course.  

Please be aware that the attendance policy is very strict and participants are not allowed any absences from the Administrator course. 
Books may be purchased for $20.
Starts Starts: 10/23/2024 4:00 PM
Sessions Sessions: 5
Location Location:
Status Status: 16 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 30 seats
The SEEM Collaborative has been approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide the full and administrator SEI Endorsement courses for cost. This is an ESE approved route to SEI Endorsement for all educators (both academic and CVTE) who have ELs and their supervisors.

The Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) Teachers Endorsement course is designed to help equip teachers to address the needs of a multilingual and multicultural student population by training teachers in research-proven practices for working with English Learners (ELs). During the course, teachers are expected to practice instructional strategies grounded in SEI research both in the endorsement course and in their classrooms. Teachers will also be encouraged to sustain and develop their SEI practices over time through a variety of professional growth opportunities. This course is designed to promote continuous improvement in educator practice and to build teachers' confidence and familiarity with instructional methodology for working with English Learners. Upon successful completion of the course, participating teachers will receive an SEI endorsement and 67.5 PDPs.

3 Graduate Credits or Undergraduate Credits are available through Fitchburg State University for an additional cost of $295. Registration instructions are given the first night of class. Class meetings will be online via Zoom.

PLEASE NOTE: Participants must have access to a classroom for the course assignments and must have basic computer skills in order to navigate the online portal. For online class sessions, participants must be able to use Zoom video conferencing platform. Also, due to the rigor, pace, and intensity of the course, which leads to an Endorsement from the State, participants may not miss more than two sessions. Missing more than two class sessions will result in a withdrawal grade per DESE’s attendance policy.

Participants must have access to a hard copy of the student manual. Participants must agree to SEEM Collaborative’s remote learning attendance policy.
Starts Starts: 10/23/2024 5:15 PM
Sessions Sessions: 14
Location Location:
Class Size Class size: 35 seats
Class full
Total: 6 Page size: